Presenting Unique Opportunities to Unique Investors

STAR WARS meets Harry Potter
A.P.N.G. Enterprises, Inc., our holding company, has created the epic NEW-GEN Universe with a comic book series printed, advertised, and distributed through Marvel Entertainment,
A live-action sci-fi feature film based on nanotechnology will be in production. NEW-GEN rolls out with the first in a series of Films, extending to Video Games, Television Series, Toys, and Merchandising. NEW-GEN has a portfolio of characters built like the Marvel Universe with a new generation of superheroes (i.e. think Marvel Universe - Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, X-Men, Thor, Iron Man).
The Next American Classic Docu-Reality Series
RE>DIRECT is a docu-reality venture that will allow legendary bands to reunite and reverse the injustices of horrific hit-single music videos. Each band will be given the opportunity to RE>DIRECT the video as they want it to be. Each episode will follow a different band as they reproduce the video. The series will be hosted by a music icon or celebrity.

Fiber Optics Company
Everyone deserves reliable, high-speed internet without exhausting excuses. Lux Speed is the gold standard for internet services for the multi-family communities. Thus the name “Lux” – Latin for “light” or better known as Lux Speed Lux. We will provide the core networking products for our customers. This includes switches, routers, firewalls, Wi-Fi devices, and turnkey management. As part of this product set, we will also manage each element of the products – from network monitoring to ensuring operating systems are kept up to date.
The Association for the Protection of Endangered Species
Many challenges confront Global Conservation, specifically preventing the extinction of endangered animal species. If humankind can effectively save endangered animal species from extinction, therein will exist our formula for salvation. Chinese medicine, poaching, and deforestation/habitat destruction are the main culprits driving the Great Apes and Big Cats to the brink of extermination. Potential solutions are DNA Cloning, Breed and Release Programs, Conservation Land banks, and Species Protection Law Enforcement. The Global Leopard Protection Trust will provide a think-tank to work with countries and develop resources to fight extinction.